Friday, July 4, 2014

One Year Anniversary Working Here

Hari ini, tepat setahun yg lalu, dapet pengumuman penempatan stlh diundur berkali2 dari seharusnya tanggal 1. Pas dibacain buat penempatan di Palembang menjaga Sumbagsel, rasanya kaget dan heran. But somehow, living in a completely new and stranger makes u even stronger and u learn so much about yourself. Dulu mungkin shock, sedih jauh dr rumah, dan kesepian. Tp tnyt, it turns good, Allah always help you in so different unexpected way. But exactly what you need, that's how Allah works. I've got so many chances to meet great people and friends, warm bosses, challenging tasks. I prove that wherever you are, if you do your job nicely, people will notice you and you will remain good. Nggak usah terlalu lama meratapi nasib, karena ya nggak akan berubah. Look at others, we're still luckier than many people, and all we need to do is grateful. Focus on positive side, and pray pray pray, and just like many said, the storm will be passed.

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