Wednesday, December 2, 2015

psychology session

last week, i got my psychology session for my plan.
tapi mengerikan banget yaa psikologi itu. but somehow, i am happy and the result became my mood booster. the result said:
1. gue orangnya sistematis. kayaknya itu doang deh hal positif yg disebutin.
2. but somehow gak pede dengan diri sendiri. ini BENER bgt lhooo. gue suka bermimpi tapi suka nggak yakin sama diri gue. hasilnya kadang bikin gue males dan akhirnya yaa mimpinya nggak kesampean. makanya kenapa gue suka banget hangout sama org yg positif supaya gue ketularan positif minded nya. nahh psikolog gue nyaranin gue buat look back for what i have got, supaya kita bisa menilai diri kita nggak serendah itu, dan believe in ourselves.
3. gue sensitif bgt dan sangat memperhatikan org. it is truly right! i do look for other people expression and i do ask other emotion of anything. i am quite a follower and ask other first before me. this thing can be my strength as well as my weakness. i do not like to make decision and got frustrated if people betray or ignore my care. hahaha thats why it is easy to make me angry.
4. katanya sih gue orgnya suka mendam emosi makanya psikolog gw ini nanya berkali2 bagaimana gue melampiaskan emosi. yahh i still have my own diary, that become my super secret keeper.
hmm udh sih sebenarnya.
cm gue seneng bgt sih advice jangan underestimate diri sndiri. mungkin karena sering ketemu sama org2 hebat yg emg keren2 bgt, gue jadi suka rada minder dan rasanya gak cukup belajar terus. thank God i am not type comparing to other people, so my stress is not that bad.

udh dulu ahh. see you!

my getaway to Singapore

heihooo mantemaaan.
mau sedikit sharing aj, ttg perjalanan wiken singkat gue ke singapur kmrn.
it was so much fun! hihihihii.

actually, singapore was a nice place to escape for a while, especially you who live in Indonesia. you can take a walk without any worry. can you tell me similar place here?
what i did last vacay:

1. running from clarke quay to marina barrage. you can take MRT to clarke quay then, keep running until marina barrage. the route is clarke quay MRT - boat quay - merlion - marina bay sands - garden by the bay - marina barrage. you can fill yourself with buildings, river, as well as trees. ketika biasanya sibuk, hectic, crowded, it was so silent at the morning.

2. searched for puzzle. i am a puzzle freak since a little. so i did looked in singapura mal. there's a small shop that sell all kinds of puzzle. but actually you can buy it online here:

3. ate the best croissant at tiong bahru bakery. i picked in the orchard in middle of crowd. it was fun!

4. went to cat museum it purposes is to promote cat adoption rather than cat buying. most of the cats are original breed, or indonesian said kucing kampung. so most of them are pretty active and playing with the guests. cute! it is open only on weekends, meanwhile the cats are get refreshed on weekdays.

5. went to dreamworks exhibition in artscience museum near marina bay sands. i came at the right time when dreamworks came to singapore. love it very very much especially for me who is an animation freak and i really love shrek, how to train your dragon, kungfu panda, and madagascar.
i got to watch the HTTYD movie and you get free popcorn and free pillows. SUPERFUN!

6. i planned to go to chinese garden. but i wake too late hahhaa. so i just met and had breakfast with my friends.

cant wait for my next journey!