Thursday, September 24, 2020

What you got from travel?

For my college reunion, I got to upload my current photo to make a difference now and then.

After looking at my collection, I don't really find my good photos lol. All I got is a blurry selca although I have many amazing panoramic photos.

At first I got frustrated. But then I realize, so what?

Looking at the albums, all I do is smiling and remembering what happened behind the scene. Sometimes I got a wrong bus just to look for a spot, or I got to walk several blocks before arrived at the place, or sometimes I just had an amazing lunch so I got super sleepy.

It would be nice to have nice photos to see. But in the end, the memories will remain longer. It is nice to have opportunities to travel and experience many things. And it does not matter if I do not have a good photos of mine. I still remember that those journeys are memorable.