Saturday, July 30, 2022

Prioritize Myself

Hello world.

Hahaha lagi curhat mode: on jadi monmaaf yah kwkwkw.

Kemarin hbs medcheck. Dan kali kedua, ada lagi berita buruknya. Hufft.

Definitely should rethink about myself and do what I want to do. 


Thursday, June 30, 2022

Being 30s

 Hi Blog.

This post will be dedicated to my 30s self lol.

Being 30s is not as scary as I would have been imagined. I mostly thought I will be miserable and sad. But it is wrong! Maybe this age comes with maturity hihi.

Being 30s comes with advantage. Expected routine, jobs, income, and I know most things I want and I want to do in life. I become clear of what I like or dislike, and I become more confident with choices in life. I am not scared to decide things I want because I understand life is not that long anymore.

Not that I become perfect. All things that I was scared before become blurred because I know most of it are not what define myself. If I do not have a bright career, so what, I can pay my own meals and buy some things I want. If I do not have a perfect skin and fashion, so what, I am perfect the way I am. If I spend most of the time alone, so what, I can do whatever I want.

I understand that what is mine will eventually become mine, and what is not mine will not become mine no matter how hard I try. So I become less greedy for many things. The most important things are my inner peace and how content I feel with my life.

I try my best to not swayed by other’s thought. People can easily criticize and comment about others. I allocate time for my closest important friends and that’s it. My closest family’s and friends’ inputs are the most important. And I mostly know what I should do. Really, I should put myself for my own happiness and not depend to anyone else. Having freedom to do and decide things in life are some of my favorite things. My competency, my manner define myself.

Although it’s like I am the most mature person in the world, I believe I am not. I try my best to keep learning and try to listen to others. I try to keep helping people, do my best for greatest good, and spread positivity around me. Well, being 30s means I am more capable to do more things, and can empathize to more things. And hopefully all this time can make me a better mature person. Hopefully I can keep being more mature and can easily laugh when things get hard (I mean, laugh at myself lol).

That’s all for today. For you who just hit 30, don’t worry. Greater happiness will wait for you. Keep moving to better side.

And to myself. Thank you for being there. Thank you for trying hard in many aspects in life. You’re doing great and will keep up the good work in the future.

Saturday, May 28, 2022

We are so special yet we are all ordinary

 Hi all. 

Akhir-akhir ini miris baca berita, org seenaknya mukul org lain, cuma karena dia punya jabatan tertentu. Well, ini juga akhir-akhir ini yg sering jadi kepikiran.

Akhir-akhir ini sering liat org bilang “saya ini ___, kamu ngga tau?”. First hand experience di rumah sakit, hotel, bank. Sampe dalem hati gue bingung, lah terus kenapa.

Dari kecil, kita sering dibilang bahwa kita ini spesial. Kayaknya bgtulah perasaan org tua, merasakan bahwa anaknya merupakan “the special one”, beda dari yang lain dan mungkin lebih baik dari yg lain. Buat anak kecil, perasaan ini emg penting kayaknya. Biar ngga minder kalau lihat temennya yg beda warna kulit sama dia, nilainya lebih bagus dari dia, atau lebih sering dipuji dari dia.

Well, I kinda agree that each of us is special. Individuals are unique and there is no such thing as identical persons (even twins!). each of us has different talents, raised in different condition, has different desires and ambition. It makes us unique. And no one can judge us for being different. 

But on the other hand, we are all the same. None of us has the right for being treated differently. Well I talk in normal setting. It might be different in formal events, where someone should be a king or president or minister. But on the normal setting, we are all human. I do not think that someone should be treated better or worse than the other. You might have different package to pick for people, but again, everyone should be treated the same.

Layanan kesehatan, semua orang berhak sehat. Layanan keuangan, semua orang berhak mengelola keuangannya. Layanan akomodasi or restoran, semua orang berhak untuk makan atau tidur di luar dari rumahnya. Tidak ada org yang berhak meminta layanan lebih dan tidak ada org yang berhak menolak permintaan layanan tsb. Tidak boleh ada customer yg ngeyel minta lebih, dan tidak boleh ada penyedia layanan yg pilih-pilih.

Makanya konsep kita semua unik itu betul. Tapi kita sebenarnya ya sama-sama aja, manusia. Yang sama-sama punya keinginan, sama-sama merasa spesial, tapi akhirnya ya sama aja.

Mudah-mudahan ini jadi reminder gue juga. Bahwa gue ngga boleh sombong. Well gue lulusan S2, tapi apa spesialnya gue dibanding yg lain? Gue punya jabatan ttt di kantor, terus kenapa kalau di luar kantor. I might have privilege to become like this, and it cannot be compared to others. Di mata Tuhan, kita ini sama aja. Spesial, tapi ya sama aja.

Jadi buat apa sombong? Buat apa merasa lebih?

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Health is Important

Hello world. It’s been a while since I visit here. Now it’s almost 1 am and I want to write without any ideas hmmmm.

It’s more than two years since pandemic, and it’s getting better (hopefully for sure!). we already do things almost normally and cases keeps getting smaller. thank God!

Mungkin kali ini pengen cerita soal pengalaman rawat inap di RS perdana tahun ini. Setelah 2021 yg begitu berat, kayaknya badan ini protes keras. Sebelum sakit, udh ngerasa ngga enak badan dan memang udh merencanakan istirahat full dengan ambil cuti dua hari.

Tapi Tuhan berkehendak lain, istirahatnya diperpanjang karena gue mendadak demam tinggi. Percobaan tes darah pertama, positif tipus. Well, waktu itu emg lagi rada ngga bersih makan alias jajan gofood melulu. Trs akhirnya ke dokter dan dikasi antibiotik. 

Demam membaik, trombosit drop. Akhirnya diagnosis tambahan demam berdarah, dipaksa rawat inap supaya ngga kurang cairan dan shock. Pas itu emg ngga enak makan banget dan perdana ngerasain ngga doyan makan samsek dan waktu itu emg berat turun 3 kiloan dalam seminggu. Ngeri abis. 

Oiya, sebelum dua diagnosis itu, gue harus berkali2 PCR antigen karena emg lagi ada badai omicron. Waktu itu juga udh dikasi plan B, kalau positif covid, berarti harus dirawat dari ruang isolasi. Either way, being admitted is the best way.

Karena negatif seluruh tes COVID nya, akhirnya masuk ke kamar perawatan biasa. Alhamdulillah sepi dan mama bisa ikut nemenin. Yaampun gtu ya rasanya dirawat, diinfus, didatengin dokter, suster, bolak balik ditanya yang dirasain, dst. Diinfus rasanya aneh, seger sih pas cairan akhirnya bisa banyak masuk (sebelumnya, minum makan minimal jadi super lemes super pucet). Seluruh suster bener2 perhatian sigap 24 jam dan baik bangeeettt. Untuk boost makan, tidak lupa dikasi obat untuk perut sampe triple kombo supaya makan cepet balik normal dan cepet pulih.

Dua hari pertama, trombosit masih terus ngedrop dan sempet alergi antibiotik tipesnya zzzz. Sbnrnya sempet panik, bgtu pula semua temen2 kantor. Kiriman banjir buat boost trombosit. Alhamdulillah membaik di sorenya. Hari ketiga makan udh mulai normal. Hari keempat trombosit rebound dan boleh rawat jalan.

Pas rawat jalan, akhirnya gue baru skali ini ngerasain recovery. Makan dan tidur bener2 banyak banget. Perdana ngerasain tidur se-deep itu pdhl aseli seharian, perdana ngerasain napsu makan segtunya, dan perdana ngerasain rambut rontok sgtunya. Pas konsult dokter, katanya sih smuanya normal aja. Dikasi vitamin utk darah dan multivitamin biar cepet baikan.

Selama sakit, bener2 ngerasa powerless. Bener2 diri ini cuma bisa dijaga sendiri dan harus jadi prioritas sendiri. Kalau sakit, kantor cuma bisa simpati, ngga lebih. So, it’s very important to take care of yourself. Dan yg terpenting, all you have is your family and friends. Bener2 kita harus baik sama mereka karena emg siapa lagi deh yg mau ngerawat dan bantuin kita.

Udh sekitar 2 bulan dari keluar RS. Hidup mulai ngga bener lagi. Mudah2an tulisan ini jadi reminder buat diri sendiri untuk jaga diri, bikin jadwal seimbang, ngga usah tll stres mikirin kerjaan, dan ngga usah tll mengharapkan org lain akan jaga diri gue selain diri gue sendiri. You too gengs, take care of yourself. Please do reach me if you need help. Will gladly find a way to help.

See you (hopefully in near post). Bye!