2014 is already less than a week. Do you already have ur resolution? But before we talk abt my resolution, I want to review my last year's resolution. Hmmm from 11 points, i think i made some of it and some still need to be done for years ahead.
1. Bisa ngulek (hmmm ini harus dilanjutkan sih) but somehow I think i get better in kitchen area. Tinggal di kota baru dan sndirian bikin gue harus kreatif menghemat, mengisi waktu luang, dan mencari kesibukan. slh satunya ya masak. mayan lahh, udh pede, klo tiba2 ada yg nyuruh masak, ada modalnya.
2. Know what i really want to do. Look for my passion. I think I already found it in my new place. But there's still something bothered. Yeah well, I think look for my passion will be my lifetime homework.
3.More settle mentally and physically. Physically yah udh mayan. Tabungan udh mayan, tinggal mikirin baiknya ke depan gimana. Mentally, ini nih. Mudah2an gak ada lagi nangis di kantor, atau sesenggukan dpn laptop. Still need any improvement. Smoga emosi ini tetap terkontrol tp org tetap menangkap maksud gue.
4. Punya rak komik. DONE!
5. Rajin olahraga. Hmmm ini juga masih perlu perbaikan. Niat mau treadmill-an aja blm kesampean. Baru renang lucu pas dinas. Ini juga perlu dibenerin nihh.
6. Gak absen sholat subuh. Hmmm jamnya nih yg harus dibenerin.
7. Bangun cepat dan tidur cepat. Sempet terlaksana, tp gara2 kerjaan, jd agak kacau. Sempat bertahan sbentar, dgn tidur larut n bangun cepat. Tapi badan ambruk krn gak kuat. Hrs diperbaiki nih.
8. Trying new things? Well, selain eksplor kota baru Batam, akhirnya sy pernah naik primajasa ke Bandung, travel ke Malaysia n tidur di hostel, impulsively went to sg by ferry and have breakfast lunch and dinner in 3 different cities, have my own card name, tidur di mixed dorm, have so many new dishes by myself. ahh many exciting things are coming!
9. Punya product apple. Hahaha sbnrnya kantong udh mampu, tp ternyata msi berat yah. i learn that im type that the more you earn money the harder u spent it. Yahh tau perjuangan dpt uangnya, jd belanjainnya juga hrs penuh pertimbangan. Yahh, klo udh tepat, nanti terjadi kok.
10. Zakat/Infaq/Shadaqah di tempat yg tepat. Found it!
11. Find 10 new places in Bandung. Already found it just as i said before.
Yeah, so my new eleven resolution will be:
1. get some days off and travel far. already taste the impulsive of short travel. let's try further.
2. drive safely. i already got my driving license but never use it until it expired. i should make new one, and drive properly.
3. no more tears and cry in the day and night work session.
4. no work at home.
5. no laptop in my bags (unless it necessary)
6. has 10 new menu on my kitchen hehe. let's experiment. im quite happy that cooking can be my refreshment thing.
7. look for my passion and my long-period-plan
8. rutin olahraga. nyari ahh tpt renang asik dan tpt treadmill seru.
9. benerin jam sholat. jangan lagi ahh mepet2 atau subuh pas matahari udh terang hahaha.
10. baca quran beserta maknanya. dikit asal rutin. nowadays i feel lonelier and this can cure, much.
11. last but not least, this year i have love resolution, as I asked to Allah since Ramadhan. I wanna meet my friend for life. hehehe amin aja dehh. seneng aja tahun 2013 lalu, byk temen2 yg desperately looking for their life partner, akhirnya menikah juga. i think, now it's my turn. bismillahh.
anyway, happy new years yaa teman-teman. jgn lupa resolusinya disiapin :)
Sunday, December 29, 2013
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