Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Me and Myself

I really want to write something, but there too many things in my head. Maybe this time, I'll write something about myself. :)

Recently, I feel that I am too strict and cold. Unsocial and do not want to mingle with friends. And freak.

Let me explain one by one.

Strict, is something that I had from my parents. My parents are lecturers and really concern about time. After that, I studied in semi military school, where I lived by the schedule they made. That is why, I am more impatient and can't stand for waiting. But after I had my bachelor degree, I become more flexible I think. I am a lot more relax for informal occasion. Cold, is something I had from my habit too. I am the only child, and spent a lot time by myself. I am also a straightforward person, something that still unfamiliar in this country. I am also a bit hard to meet someone new. When I go to new community, I tend to silent and talk-less. But it is because I try to careful to someone new. If you already know me, I am quite cheerful person, and "unyu" person that love to joke :)

Unsocial or we call it "ansos", is something that really not me. Because I spent many times alone at home, I like to play and meet friends whenever I had time. But, I had strict night-time from parents, prevent me to spent more time at night. Beside that, I need many sleep-time. I rather choose sleep than go outside on weekend. Not to mingle means I try to be careful with someone else. Believe me, I never try to group my friends, or choose someone else over someone.

Freak? I am the only person, so I really had times by myself. Literally, myself. This makes me enjoy go to bookstore alone, or wandering alone. I also always taught to not make other people having hard times because of me. That is why, I could go to the dentist by myself. Freak? Maybe. But I open to criticism and change. So I hope, my friends around me could talk anything to me without hesitation.

Maybe this is it. We could catch up soon. Bye!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Work Life? Part 2

Pengen sih cerita soal kerjaan. Overall sih seru. Sebagai konsultan buat Pemerintah, banyak banget pengalaman, suka dan dukanya. Yg pasti sih, bikin kita banyak belajar. Gimana cari info, gimana cara ngajak ngobrol orang2 yg macem2 backgroundnya, dan lain sebagainya. So far still enjoy, though of course, there were so many unhappy things happened. Tapi intinya, kalau smua kerjaan kita kerjain dengan sungguh-sungguh, pasti akan membuahkan hasil yg nggak jelek.

Sejujurnya, gw sempet ngerasa kerjaan gw nih dangkal banget. Kayak jaman dulu ngerjain TA dulu lah. Gitu doang rasanya. Tapi setelah ngobrol2 sana sini, kerjaan gw tuh bakal ada efek dominonya (quotes dari bos seusai rapat). Mudah2an kerjaan yg gw anggep gini doang, bisa bener2 ngasi efek domino yg gede. Perencanaan kegiatan di daerah bakal lebih oke sehingga jumlah orang miskin bakal berkurang. Amin amin amin.

Last but not least, I wanna find my passion quickly. From what I do and my friends' opinion, it might be match for me. It's a rare knowledge yet important. And I hope I can find the answer soon. Amin.

Thursday, September 22, 2011


the one who have my trust, will get my loyalty. I mean it.

Work Life?

it has been almost seven months since I got my first job. how does it feel to be a worker?
first, I finally understand why everybody like weekends that much. in weekdays, I should work from 9 to 7. doing many tasks, manage many things and of course, just a bit playing time. and now, I really wait for weekend.
next, of course the paying time. It feels really proud to use your own money to buy things. And of course, I could cherish every IDR I made and do not forget to save some. But I really proud that my mom borrow some money from me to buy something. Hihihi..

maybe next time, I could tell you the details of my work life. It so different from other and I just hope that everything I made at work, will give many impacts to other. see ya!!