Saturday, April 7, 2018

Looking for Dream Job


Gue lagi mau cerita soal pekerjaan.

Jadi tempat kerja gue skrg itu terkenal sbg final destination. Tempat kerja terakhir sampai lo pensiun.
But sbg generasi Y (or we can say millenials), hal tersebut berbeda buat kami. Banyak temen gue yg resign karena mmg mencari yg lebih baik bagi dirinya terutama dari sisi aktualisasi diri. And it's a good thing actually. Supaya sistem di tempat kerja gue pun membaik mengingat it's not the best place to work anymore, and we should work on the system continuously.

But anyway, for me personally, I have my own purpose of life and I still think it is best to implement through my current workplace. But recently, I feel like I should keep myself open. Tadinya gue mau ngapus akun linkedin gw. Tapi gegara katanya gue sering muncul di searches perusahaan (mostly consulting firms like prin***** or pw*, my former dreamjob) dan dikontak job hunter, it feels different. Hahahaha.

But anyway, what I know for sure is I should work where I can do my best for contribute to society, place that has integrity and has same value as myself. 

But (I know it's another but), who knows about life. I am fully understand I should be open to anything else that matter for myself and I am excited where this life will bring myself into.

Udh ah ngelanturnya. Lagi males cari bahan buat paper, makanya ngeblog ajah hahaha.

See you.

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