Thursday, December 4, 2014

evaluasi resolusi 2014

dear blog,
hahaha udh lama yaah gak nyampah lagi di sniii.

gak kerasa udh BULAN DESEMBER ajaaahh yaampuuunnn sbulan lagi then tadaaaa 2015. time goes really fast. gak kerasa gw udh makin tuaaa hahaha. kenapa yaa walaupun kadang meringis klo ngomongin umur, tp deepdown i feel just right. i mean, what's about age? haha. freak. maybe i am dead inside lol.

hmmm waktunya evaluasi resolusi. siapa tau ada yg bisa diselesein.

1. get some days off and travel far. already taste the impulsive of short travel. let's try further. 
well this one is absolutely failed. pdhl udh pny partner. tp gak failed banget kli yaa, but pushed a bit. i and my parents are planned to go to sacred place to do umrah. bismillah smoga lancar. ngurus2nya sih alhamdulillah lancaaar :) smoga terus dilancarkan walaupun cuti harus terkuras habis hahaha.2. drive safely. i already got my driving license but never use it until it expired. i should make new one, and drive properly.
tetoooot. super failed. ah yasudahlah. nanti minta diajarin pacar aja *siapa pulak pacarnya haha *cries3. no more tears and cry in the day and night work session.
hmmm this one also superfailed. and worse. ah i failed for getting mature. maybe it's still not my time to become proper adult.
4. no work at home.

kinda successful. i use laptop for playyyyyyy yuhuuuu5. no laptop in my bags (unless it necessary)
hmm kinda successful too lhooo hehehe. waktunya ngebenerin nih punggung.6. has 10 new menu on my kitchen hehe. let's experiment. im quite happy that cooking can be my refreshment thing.
iya ya bener juga ya. kayaknya menu baru gue juga ayam fillet tepung, kolak, selesai. ahhh gimana sih gueeee errrrr7. look for my passion and my long-period-plan
nahhh ini dibahas di thread terpisah yah.8. rutin olahraga. nyari ahh tpt renang asik dan tpt treadmill seru.
nahh ini udh mayan sihh. akhirnya bisa juga rutin renang ketika sempat dan dinas. yuhuuu happyyy. *though im not getting slimmer *sigh9. benerin jam sholat. jangan lagi ahh mepet2 atau subuh pas matahari udh terang hahaha.
kinda worked it. mudah2an terus makin bener deh.10. baca quran beserta maknanya. dikit asal rutin. nowadays i feel lonelier and this can cure, much.
this one is still worked and a lot help from this. alhamdulillah lagi ya Allahhh.
11. last but not least, this year i have love resolution, as I asked to Allah since Ramadhan. I wanna meet my friend for life. hehehe amin aja dehh. seneng aja tahun 2013 lalu, byk temen2 yg desperately looking for their life partner, akhirnya menikah juga. i think, now it's my turn. bismillahh.
yeah, i cant say im success on this. maybe absolutely failed. but at least i tried. hh. maybe we should see for another.

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